When you are having money problems, your credit score isn’t the only thing that suffers. We know that when you are drowning in debt, you and your entire family pay the price.
Financial difficulties place a huge strain on you and your well being.
You don’t have to suffer, there is a legal way out. And we can help.
When you are in over your head and cannot escape from your creditors, call us, we can help. We offer our clients assistance with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy petitions. While deciding to file bankruptcy is a tough decision, a consultation will help you better understand your options. We have a bankruptcy planning packet that will help you gather the information we will need to assess your situation and present you with your available options. Call the office to have this packet emailed to you or stop by and pick one up in person.
Leah Larkin is admitted to practice before the United States District Court and can assist you with all court proceedings related to your bankruptcy. Our office will guide you to the most effective and inexpensive path to get you on your way to financial freedom.
We understand that there are times when your options are limited.
Mistakes happen. Life happens. Call us, we’ll help get you on your feet again.
If you would like to learn more about the most common bankruptcy options available to you, check out these Government links:
Call the Law Offices of Leah Larkin at 951-845-5930 when you are ready to schedule a consultation on bankruptcy.